renegade lyrics
BREAKING NEWS! LITERALLY! According to “American Idol” blogs TopIdol and MJsBigBlog, there was an insane amount of drama during tonight’s “Idol” dress rehearsal! Explodi
ng sets, falling stage managers! Yowzas! More news to come… We now return you to your regularly scheduled “American Idol” live-blog…
…and then the Pope says, “Poke her? I don’t even know her!” HAHAHA. That was a funny joke.
Before tonight’s Rock-themed “American Idol” live-blog, I want to say three words: I’m proud of you, America!
Yes, even though Simon through my favorite contestant, Allison, under the bus on last week’s Rat Pack show (and even though I wrote a whole blog predicting her Results Show Demise) you guys rallied around the most underrated contestant of the season and pushed her through to tonight’s Rock-themed “Idol.”

…and then the Pope says, “Poke her? I don’t even know her!” HAHAHA. That was a funny joke.
Before tonight’s Rock-themed “American Idol” live-blog, I want to say three words: I’m proud of you, America!
Yes, even though Simon through my favorite contestant, Allison, under the bus on last week’s Rat Pack show (and even though I wrote a whole blog predicting her Results Show Demise) you guys rallied around the most underrated contestant of the season and pushed her through to tonight’s Rock-themed “Idol.”