Beauty queen Kendhal Beal was assaulted on Tuesday June 9th by trust fund billionaire Paris Hilton. Hilton allegedly threw ice and bar food at the victim who is said by witnesses to have been a non-aggressor in the

Hilton became upset after hearing her boyfriend Doug Reinhardt was at the bar with Kendhal Beal and a group of friends, having drinks and watching the Lakers on television.
Hilton stormed into the bar and initiated a confrontation with Reinhardt then stormed out.
Her Bio (From her website):
Kendhal Beal, model and aspiring actress, was born in Houston, Texas. She has two sisters and two brothers. Her family is very important to her and is her support in everything that she does.
Kendhal began modeling when she was fourteen years old with Neal Hamil Modeling Agency in Houston, Texas. Neal Hamil Modeling Agency sent her to New York at age nineteen where she worked for Cosmopolitan, Wella, Celebrity Hairstyles Magazine and many other well known clients.
Along with modeling, Kendhal also majored in Biology at Lamar University studying to be an Orthodontist. She also competed in Miss Texas USA where she placed 2nd runner up and Everything But Water Swimsuit Winner for the years 2005 and 2006. Her main focus was bringing awareness about ITP which is a blood disorder that her youngest sister was born with.
Kendhal currently lives in Studio City, California where she is modeling and taking acting classes as she hopes to branch out into the acting world