This cannot be stressed enough: reality shows really need to step it up in the background check/psychological profile department when casting their shows.

Ryan Alexander Jenkins, a 32-year-old finalist on the VH1 show "Megan Wants a Millionaire," is a person of interest in the murder of a woman who was found dead and stuffed into a suitcase over the weekend, according to TMZ.
Jenkins reported Jasmine Fiore, a swimsuit model who also had worked for Playboy and Hawaiian Tropic, missing on Saturday night. Police had already found her body ... in a suitcase ... in a dumpster ... in Orange County, Calif. that morning.
Authorities have since been trying to contact Jenkins but have been unable to locate him. They suspect that he's headed for Canada, where he's originally from.
According to Jenkins profile on the VH1 site, he's an investment banker with these enlightened views about women and relationships:
- Says he has left many amazing women in his life primarily because he wanted more women.
- States the only time he cheated on his ex was when he wanted to break up with her.
- Claims that he molds "player girls" into "princesses."
Megan Hauserman, the professional reality show star of "Megan Wants a Millionaire," was annoying on "Beauty and the Geek" and downright obnoxious on "Rock of Love with Bret Michaels," but even she deserves better than this guy.
UPDATE: TMZ is now reporting that according to Hauserman, Jenkins went to Las Vegas right after being booted from "Megan Wants a Millionaire" when it was taped earlier this year, met Fiore at a strip club and married her two days later.