Neda Agha Sultan (her name is variously given as Neda Soltani, Neda Sultan, Neda Agha Soltan, Neda Agha Sultan, the differences coming from a combination of the different languages of Farsi and English and tha fact that they don't use the same alphabet) was the young woman shot dead during the demonstrations over the Iranian electoral fraud of last week.
There was a video taken of her death: showing the ubiquity of camera phones around the world. And, of course, the Neda Agha Sultan video was immediately loaded into Facebook, YouTube and all of the other social media. It's a textbook example of how the world has changed technologically since Tiananmen, since the Berlin Wall fell.
But do be aware that this is extremely disturbing: Neda Sultan really is dying in this video, this is not a reconstruction.
Neda Agha Sultan was not the first to die in these protests and probably will not be the last. But she's probably the one that we will all remember, however little that is of comfort to her or those she left behind.