steve mcnair wife photo
Sit right down and click: Sahel Kazemi photo, Sahel Kazemi mugshot, Michelle [sic] McNair photo, Zac Zefron shaved head, Michael Jackson death photo, Michael Jackson OK! Magazine near death photo. Everybody wants to see photos these days. People want a visual. Can't get a still visual, they want a video. How about the Disney monorail accident video? Television, internet, cellphone, iPods, whatever. They want it now and they want a visual. So, where were we? Oh, yeah, clicking on Sahel Kazemi photo, Sahel Kazemi mugshot, Mechelle McNair photo, Zac Zefron shaved head, Michael Jackson death photo, Michael Jackson OK! Magazine near death photo...
But what do all these things have in common? Most of them (not all, but most) are of dead people or a part of a story that has to do with a dead person. The Sahel Kazemi photo and mugshot are of the girlfriend of Steve McNair, the Tennessee Titans Pro Bowl quarterback who was slain alongside his mistress, the aforementioned Sahel Kazemi. Michelle [sic] McNair is the wife of the slain Steve McNair and everybody apparently are doing a comparison study between wife Mechelle Mcnair and mistress Sahel Kazemi. The Michael Jackson death photo is self-explanatory. The Michael Jackson OK! Magazine near death photo was the highly objectionable photo that OK! Magazine reportedly paid $500,000 and ran as a cover for their tribute edition to Michael Jackson (stating that it was not offensive because his eyes were closed). And then there was the Disney World monorail train accident video that, although it did not show any graphic or gory carnage, show the aftermath of the two Disney monorail trains colliding, one literally entering the other.