Tuesday, May 19, 2009



As the Air Force gears up for its second test of the Air Force Personnel Accountability and Assessment System, Air Force Materiel Command leaders are reminding people to participate during the May 19-21 exercise.

The new system is designed to improve the way the Air Force keeps track of its people. It will be used whenever a situation arises, such as a natural disaster, that calls for commanders and supervisors to account for their people. Airmen and their families, as well as civilians, can call or log into the system to report their whereabouts and well-being.

Once submitted, the information is accessible to a variety of pre-approved trusted agents, who then use it to gauge accountability force-wide.

"The May exercise will evaluate AFPAAS to ensure the Air Force is truly ready for the 2009 hurricane season," said Tim Beyland, Air Force Manpower and Personnel assistant deputy chief of staff.

The Air Force implemented the system April 1 and plans to test it in the upcoming exercise. The requirement to report in using the system applies to active-duty Airmen, their family members, Guardsmen, Reservists, and contractors overseas. Non bargaining-unit employees should update their information and participate during the exercise.

However, civilian employees in bargaining-unit jobs are not required to use the system. For the upcoming exercise, bargaining-unit employees should report their status according to already-established procedures, such as an office recall plan, and follow local policies. To find out more about local policies and procedures, employees should ask supervisors or contact their local civilian personnel flight.

"Protection of privacy is paramount, and only pre-approved trusted agents, commanders and their designated representatives with CAC access, roles and permissions can view personal information," said Brian Angell, Air Force Personnel Center Personnel Readiness Cell Operations chief.