the terminators 2009
Hoping to doom a new generation of fans to loneliness, J.J. Abrams takes on "Star Trek." For those who don't remember J.J. Abrams' contributions to the cinema, one need only take a camera outside, turn it on and shake it frantically for about an hour. Congratulations, that's a successful recreation of "Cloverfield." There are only two real reasons to see this movie. One, a trekkie/trekker needs to be reminded they're not alone in their obsession. Two, Simon Pegg is playing Scotty, and the once-zombie-stomping Simon Pegg playing Scotty is just too good to pass up. Shame on the people who are scratching their heads and asking who Simon Pegg is. Go watch "Shaun of the Dead" before you finish this article.
"Terminator Salvation"